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마이크로소프트에서 제공하는 윈도우 10에 대해서 KB4093120, KB4093117 누적 업데이트가 되었습니다. 해당 업데이트는 윈도우 10 1709 버전은 아니고 윈도우 10 1607,윈도우 10 1703입니다. 일단 윈도우 10 1703은 KB4093120,윈도우 1607 버전은 KB4093117입니다.
윈도우 1607과 Windows Server 2016은 KB4093117입니다.
해당 KB4093117에서 업데이트 된 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
Increased the minimum Group Policy password length to 20.
Fixed an AppLocker publisher rules issue with MSI files.
Fixed an issue with apps when using Japanese IME.
Fixed password prompts being shown repeatedly when using Microsoft accounts or Azure Active Directory accounts.
Fixed a key generation issue in Windows Hello caused by TPM firmware issues
Addressed name-constraint information displayed in hexadecimal format in certificate properties.
Fixed a blocking instead of logging issue for failed NTLM authentications if audit mode is turned on.
Fixed certificate validation error 0x800B0109 (CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT) from http.sys.
Fixed ReFS partition expanding issue if the volume was formatted using ReFS v1.
Fixed a "stop working" issue when starting hosted VM.
Addressed a kernel deadlock issue.
Fixed a Windows Update issue that prevented VMs from being saved correctly.
Fixed a "stop responding" issue in DTC during an XA recovery.
Fixed the error "Error 0x207D An attempt was made to modify an object to include an attribute that is not legal for its class".
Fixed the error "Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.OAuth.Exceptions.OAuthInvalidRefreshTokenException: MSIS9312: Received invalid OAuth refresh token. The refresh token was received earlier than the permitted time in the token"
Addressed the cause of the error "Cannot connect to any domain. Refresh or try again when connection is available"
Fixed an issue that caused the failover of an NFS server cluster resource to take a long time.
Fixed cause for the warning "The storage pool does not have the minimum recommended reserve capacity. This may limit your ability to restore data resiliency in the event of drive failure(s)."
Addressed an issue that caused files to be skipped or the creation of duplicate files during full enumeration sync sessions.
Fixed the Windows Multipoint Server 2016 error "The MultiPoint service is not responding on this machine. To fix the issue try restarting the machine."
Fixed an issue that caused user profile disks from loading.
Fixed high contrast themes being applied incorrectly during RDP sessions.
Fixed a pairing issue for low-energy Bluetooth devices.
Addressed a reliability issue in Microsoft Outlook.

윈도우 10 1703 KB4093117

Fixed a reliability issue when using Microsoft Office applications hosted in ActiveX containers and pressing the Alt-key.
이 변경이 되었습니다.

윈도우 10 1607 KB4093120

그리고 다음에는 윈도우 10 1703에서 업데이트가 된 KB4093120 업데이트 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
Microsoft Edge stopped working on systems with software restriction policy enabled.
Fixed an AppLocker publisher rules issue with MSI files.
Fixed password prompts being shown repeatedly when using Microsoft accounts or Azure Active Directory accounts.
Fixed a key generation issue in Windows Hello caused by TPM firmware issues.
Fixed an issue that prevented users from unlocking their sessions which happened when multiple users logged in to a system from different domains, used the UPN format for domain credentials, and used Fast User switching.
Fixed a smart card related issue that caused a 30-second wait time if the user entered the PIN incorrectly or if biometric authentication failed.
Fixed an issue in the Chrome Office extension that prompted for authentication multiple times.
Increased the minimum Group Policy password length to 20.
Addressed name-constraint information displayed in hexadecimal format in certificate properties.
Fixed a blocking instead of logging issue for failed NTLM authentications if audit mode is turned on.
Fixed certificate validation error 0x800B0109 (CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT) from http.sys.
The option to encrypt or decrypt files in Windows Explorer was missing.
Addresses a Bitlocker and Device Encryption suspending issue during device unenrollment.
Fixed an issue in Centennial apps that blocked the ability to set user-level quotas for NTFS.
Fixed connection bar missing in VMConnect in full-screen mode on multiple monitors.
Fixed GPO login script to map a network drive failed if the user disconnects from the network and restarts.
Addressed an issue that caused files to be skipped or the creation of duplicate files during full enumeration sync sessions.
Addressed Data Modified field is empty in the properties when Volume Shadow Copy is used on a volume that hosts a file share.
Fixed Microsoft Edge stopped working issue for roaming profile users who access Windows 10 version 1607 and version 1703 machines.
Fixed reliability issue in Internet Explorer when entering text in RichEditText controls.
Addressed a "potential" leak when opening and closing web browser controls.

Addresses an issue that causes the ContentIndexter.AddAsync API to throw an unnecessary exception.
이 변경이 되었습니다. 일단 기본적으로 보안 업데이트는 되지 않았고 기본적으로 윈도우 10에 있는 버그들을 수정한 것입니다. 물론 보안 갱신이 아니지만 그래도 운영체제를 안정하게 운영하려면 잠시 시간 내서 누적 업데이트를 진행을 하면 됩니다. 일단 기본적으로 윈도우 자동 업데이트 및 윈도우 카탈로그(Microsoft's Update Catalog)에서 다운로드 해서 관리자 권한으로 설치를 해주면 됩니다.



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