꿈을꾸는 파랑새

모질라에서 제공을 하는 웹 브라우저인 파이어폭스에 대한 보안 업데이트가 발표가 되었습니다. 일단 Firefox 55.0(파이어폭스 55.0)에서는 몇 가지 기능들도 보강되었다고 합니다.
CVE-2017-7798: XUL injection in the style editor in devtools
CVE-2017-7800: Use-after-free in WebSockets during disconnection
CVE-2017-7801: Use-after-free with marquee during window resizing
CVE-2017-7809: Use-after-free while deleting attached editor DOM node
CVE-2017-7784: Use-after-free with image observers
CVE-2017-7802: Use-after-free resizing image elements
CVE-2017-7785: Buffer overflow manipulating ARIA attributes in DOM
CVE-2017-7786: Buffer overflow while painting non-displayable SVG
CVE-2017-7806: Use-after-free in layer manager with SVG
CVE-2017-7753: Out-of-bounds read with cached style data and pseudo-elements
CVE-2017-7787: Same-origin policy bypass with iframes through page reloads
CVE-2017-7807: Domain hijacking through AppCache fallback
CVE-2017-7792: Buffer overflow viewing certificates with an extremely long OID
CVE-2017-7804: Memory protection bypass through WindowsDllDetourPatcher
CVE-2017-7791: Spoofing following page navigation with data: protocol and modal alerts
CVE-2017-7808: CSP information leak with frame-ancestors containing paths
CVE-2017-7782: WindowsDllDetourPatcher allocates memory without DEP protections
CVE-2017-7781: Elliptic curve point addition error when using mixed Jacobian-affine coordinates
CVE-2017-7794: Linux file truncation via sandbox broker
CVE-2017-7803: CSP containing 'sandbox' improperly applied
CVE-2017-7799: Self-XSS XUL injection in about:webrtc
CVE-2017-7783: DOS attack through long username in URL
CVE-2017-7788: Sandboxed about:srcdoc iframes do not inherit CSP directives
CVE-2017-7789: Failure to enable HSTS when two STS headers are sent for a connection
CVE-2017-7790: Windows crash reporter reads extra memory for some non-null-terminated registry values
CVE-2017-7796: Windows updater can delete any file named update.log
CVE-2017-7797: Response header name interning leaks across origins
CVE-2017-7780: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 55
CVE-2017-7779: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 55 and Firefox ESR 52.3

이번 보안 업데이트 관련 항목입니다. 먼저 변경된 것에서는 윈도우 환경에서 WebVR 기능을 제공합니다. 일단 VR을 실현해주는 기기가 있으면 가능합니다.모질라 쪽에서는 Oculus Rift또는 HTC Vive을 사용을 하라고 하는데 제가 VR 기기가 없어서 해당 부분은 패스하겠습니다. 그리고 1,691 개의 탭을 복원하는데 예전에 8분 걸리던 것을 15초로 단축을 시켰다고 하면 파이어폭스 브라우저를 실행할 때 메모리 부분에서 차지하는 부분이 많이 줄어들었다고 합니다. 일단 기본적으로 자동갱신으로 설정돼 있으니까 해당 자동 갱신을 통해서 갱신하셔도 될 것 같습니다.


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