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윈도우 10에 대한 새로운 윈도우 10 버전 1607 누적 업데이트(KB3176934)가 적용이 되었습니다.일단 이번 윈도우 10 버전 1607 누적 업데이트(KB3176934)은 최근에 발표된 1년 주년 기념 업데이트인 Redstone RS 1(레드스톤)에 있었던 제품 품질 향상을 위한 KB317693 누적 업데이트 입니다.

일단 해당 KB317693을 업데이트를 진행을 하려고 반드시 인터넷 연결이 필요하면 인터넷을 연결하고 설정->압데이트및 복구 항목으로 이동하고 나서 Windows 업데이트 항목을 선택해서 다운로드를 하며 됩니다. 해당 다운로드 과정을 거친 후 자동으로 업데이트가 이루어지고 사용자는 단순하게 컴퓨터를 한번 재부팅을 해주면 해당 업데이트가 적용이 되는 것을 확인할 수가 있을 것입니다.

업데이트 내역

Improved reliability of Network Controller DNS server, gateways, Storage Spaces Direct, Group Managed Service Accounts, remote procedure calls (RPC), PowerShell, Internet Explorer 11, printer pairing and interoperability
the Windows kernel, Media Core, Windows Store, Connected Standby, Cluster Health service, the Hypervisor debugger and platform, and Active Directory.
Improved performance of Storage Spaces Direct with many nodes or disks, scrolling lists on Xbox One, DHCP address acquisition, Active Directory queries, and Cluster Health service.
Addressed issue that prevents external media from playing on Xbox One using Cast to Device
Addressed issue with Mouse events not working correctly in Internet Explorer 11
Addressed issue with the rendering and resizing of nested tables in Internet Explorer 11
Addressed issue with the UI layout not updating correctly in Internet Explorer 11 quirks mode
Addressed issue that was causing nodes to be disconnected from a Cluster service intermittently
Addressed issue with the 3G and 4G options not appearing correctly in Windows 10 Mobile settings
Addressed additional issues with mobile device management (MDM) enrollment for an Azure Active Directory tenant, software compatibility rendering of Yu Gothic fonts, Cortana, slow connections to cluster shares, Xbox One unable to launch the Netflix app using the DIAL protocol
Xbox One volume and music playback, all video stops while audio plays in a TV app, incorrect scaling of Internet Explorer 11 first-run dialog, driver setup
Windows Update for Business, apps failing to install after resetting device, boot failure with Hyper-V and BitLocker enabled
Cache Manager, Cluster Health service
inability to change roles and features on a locked device, disk-to-enclosure mappings not working, PowerShell, missing lock screen image
fitness tracker not recognized as a mass storage device, synchronization not working between Intune and Azure Active Directory (AAD)
Skype calls over Wi-Fi, streaming playback using progressive download, unable to cancel download from Windows, extensions for Microsoft Edge, incorrect lock screen UI after resuming from hibernate and sleep, and blocked installation of game bundles from the Windows Store
KB3176934 업데이트 관한 내용

그리고 이번 업데이트는 보안 업데이트는 적용이 되지 않았고 Windows 10 Version 1607에 의한 서비스 스택 안정성 업데이트 이므로 윈도우 10을 안정적으로 사용하고 싶은 분들은 반드시 업데이트가 진행이 돼야 할 것입니다.


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