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마이크로소프트에서 제공하는 윈도우 10 버전 1803,1809 에 대한 KB4534321, KB4534308 업데이트가 진행이 되었습니다. Windows 10 버전 1809 용 KB4534321 및 Windows 10 버전 1803 용 KB4534308에는 비보안 향상 및 변경 사항만 포함되며 보안 업데이트는 적용이 되지 않았습니다. Windows Update 및 Microsoft Update를 통해 제공되며 Microsoft Update 카탈로그 웹 사이트에서 직접 내려받기할 수 있습니다. 관리자는 갱신을 WSUS로 수동으로 업데이트를 진행을 할 수가 있습니다.
Windows 10 버전 1803 용 KB4534308 업데이트 개선됨점은 다음과 같습니다.
Fixed a sign-in issue that affected Office Apps when using the Web Account Manager.(웹 계정 관리자를 사용할 때 Office Apps에 영향을 주는 로그인 문제를 해결)
Fixed an issue with download notifications caused by "multiple short-duration tabs and redirects".("여러 개의 짧은 기간 탭 및 리디렉션"으로 인한 다운로드 알림 문제가 수정)
Fixed a memory leak in ctfmon.exe that happened when an application with an editable box was refreshed.(편집 가능한 상자가 있는 응용 프로그램을 새로 고칠 때 ctfmon.exe의 메모리 누수가 수정)
Fixed an issue with the Out of Box Experience phase preventing the creation of local accounts if Chinese, Japanese, or Korean IME were used.(중국어, 일본어 또는 한국어 IME를 사용한 경우 Out of Box Experience 단계에서 로컬 계정을 만들 수 없는 문제가 수정)
Fixed an issue in Windows Hello for Business that failed to "show the default option to sign in on Windows 10 devices".(비즈니스용 Windows Hello에서 "Windows 10 장치에 로그인하는 기본 옵션 표시"에 실패하는 문제가 해결)
Fixed an Internet Explorer opening issue that was caused by roaming many favorites when using Microsoft User Experience Virtualization.(Microsoft User Experience Virtualization을 사용할 때 많은 즐겨 찾기를 로밍하여 발생하는 Internet Explorer 시작 문제를 수정)
Fixed an issue that prevented a user's settings from synchronizing across devices.(사용자 설정이 여러 장치에서 동기화되지 않던 문제를 수정)

윈도우 10 1803,윈도우 10 1809 KB4534321,KB4534308 업데이트윈도우 10 1803,윈도우 10 1809 KB4534321,KB4534308 업데이트

Fixed a high CPU consumption issue in Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection when using Microsoft Teams.( Microsoft Teams를 사용할 때 Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection에서 과도한 CPU 소비 문제를 해결)
Fixed an issue that caused the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) process from working.(
Fixed an issue affecting IP security (IPSec) Internet Key Exchange Version 1 (IKEv1) connections.(LSASS (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service) 프로세스가 작동하지 않던 문제를 수정)
Fixed an AppContainer firewall issue that caused firewall rules to leak under certain circumstances.(특정 상황에서 방화벽 규칙이 유출되는 AppContainer 방화벽 문제를 해결)
Fixed an issue that could cause backups to fail across partitions.(여러 파티션에서 백업이 실패할 수 있는 문제를 수정)
Fixed a netdom.exe issue that failed to correctly identify trust relationships.(트러스트 관계를 올바르게 식별하지 못하는 netdom.exe 문제를 해결)
Fixed a memory leak issue in the Application Virtualization Streaming Driver (appvstr.sys).(Application Virtualization Streaming Driver (appvstr.sys)의 메모리 누수 문제를 수정)
Fixed a log file corruption issue.(로그 파일 손상 문제를 해결)
Reliability of UE-V AppMonitor has been improved.(UE-V AppMonitor의 안정성이 향상)
Windows 10 버전 1803은 특정 작업이 실패하고 대신 발생하여 오류가 발생할 수 있는 클러스터 공유 볼륨의 오랜 문제로 여전히 영향을 주고 있습니다.
Windows 10 버전 1809 용 KB4534321 업데이트 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
Fixed an unnamed Windows Mixed Reality issue that occurs after upgrading to a new Microsoft Edge version.
Fixed an issue with download notifications caused by "multiple short-duration tabs and redirects".
Fixed a Microsoft Windows Search Indexer issue that caused it to add or repair "required access control lists (ACLs) without checking if ACLs exist".
Fixed an issue that caused devices to go into Windows Out Of Box Experience restart loops.
Fixed a settings synchronization issue.
Fixed an issue that prevented software Indirect Display drivers from being signed with multiple certificates.
Fixed a memory leak in ctfmon.exe that happened when an application with an editable box was refreshed.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Language Bar from appearing when users sign in to new sessions.
Fixed a touch keyboard issue that caused it to close when selecting any key.
Fixed a window resizing issue that prevented users from resizing windows.
Fixed a Start Menu issue that caused tiles to be reordered even though the layout was locked or partially locked.
Fixed a Registry issue that might prevent users from opening files, links or applications.
Fixed an issue that caused the Settings page to close unexpectedly.
Fixed an issue that caused Windows Search to close unexpectedly.
Fixed an issue in Windows Hello for Business that failed to "show the default option to sign in on Windows 10 devices".
Fixed a remote PowerShell issue that prevented reporting that the session on the target had ended.
Fixed a handle leak in the EnableTraceEx2() function.
Fixed an Internet Explorer opening issue that was caused by roaming many favorites when using Microsoft User Experience Virtualization.
Fixed an issue that prevented a user's settings from synchronizing across devices.
Fixed an issue that caused the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) process from working.
Addressed a Windows Defender Application Control issue that caused unsigned images to run but blocked unsigned program files in Audit mode.
Fixed a Print Management console issue that caused it to display script errors when using Extended View.
Addressed an issue with the Always On Virtual Private Network (VPN) that fails to remove the Name Resolution Policy Table (NRPT) rules after you disconnect.
Fixed an AppContainer firewall issue that caused firewall rules to leak under certain circumstances.
Fixed an issue that caused "some" systems to stop responding when operating embedded MultiMediaCard (eMMC) storage devices.
Fixed a ntdsutil.exe issue that prevented moving Active Directory database files.
Fixed a netdom.exe issue that failed to correctly identify trust relationships.
Fixed an issue that could cause backups to fail across partitions.
Fixed a Windows compatibility status evaluation issue.
Fixed an issue with the Out of Box Experience phase preventing the creation of local accounts if Chinese, Japanese, or Korean IME were used.
Fixed a log file corruption issue.
Fixed a memory leak issue in the Application Virtualization Streaming Driver (appvstr.sys).
Reliability of UE-V AppMonitor has been improved.
Perofrmance of block cloning for ReFS improved in " scenarios that involve a large number of operations on ReFS-cloned files"
그리고 첫 번째는 클러스터 공유 볼륨의 특정 작업이 실패 및 두 번째는 일부 아시아 언어 팩 이 설치된 장치에서 오류 메시지를 발생하는 것이 합니다. 일단 윈도우 10 1809 버전이 이번에 많이 수정이 된 것 같습니다.


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