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마이크로소프트에서 제공하는 윈도우 10 에 대한 KB4458469, KB4457136, KB4457141, KB4457127 누적 업데이트가 되었습니다. 이번 업데이트가 적용이 되는 윈도우 10 버전은 다음과 같습니다.
Windows 10 버전 1803,Windows 10 버전 1709,Windows 10 버전 1703,Windows 10 버전 1607 입니다.
이번 업데이트는 일단 기본적으로 지난 9월 중순에 있었던 일부 업데이트 문제를 수정한 업데이트 입니다.
업데이트에서 수정이 된 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
Fixed the cause for the prompt "You'll need a new app to open" when reloading websites on non-standard ports.
Fixed a download issue that caused downloads to fail.
Fixed a WebDAV downloads issue.
Fixed the FirstRunPage policy blocking the DefaultSearchProvider policy from working.
Address bar lost focus when new tabs are launched and "Allow web content on New Tab page" policy" was set to off.
Fixed a save password issue in Microsoft Edge that prevented the dialog to show.
Addressed a file previewer issue for HTML, MHT and EMail attachments in Outlook.
Internet Explorer would display security and certificate dialogs in the background
Use of EnableEUDC API could make application's become unresponsive.

The Spell Checker context menu would appear on the wrong monitor in multi-monitor environments.
Fixed an issue with Japanese characters in a remote desktop session (mstsc.exe).
Custom keyboard layouts would not work correctly under certain circumstances.
Fixed an issue with low-level mouse hooks.
Added User Configuration/Administrative Template/Control Panel/Settings Page Visibility
 Fixed a Bluetooth pairing issue.
Various Universal CRT fixes.
Fixed a Windows Analytics issue.
The App-V client's scheduled task would not sync if the Device Guard lockdown policy was enabled.
Fixed an issue that would cause the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) process to stop working.
Delay in unlocking or singing in to a computer that was moved to a different network.
Fixed a sign-out issue on certain laptops that would prevent the sign-out process from completing.
Fixed an issue when enabling Bitlocker from a local admin account.
Fingerprint sensor could not be used to log in under certain circumstances.
Fixed a longer start-up issue that would cause systems to boot up to 60 seconds longer.
Fixed the error "Your PIN is no longer available due to a change to the security settings on this device" on Windows 10 S devices.
Fixed Direct Access connection issue.
Fixed the logging of negative events for drivers that are valid when Windows Defender Application Control runs in audit mode.
Third-party VPN interfaces would stop working.
Login process to a Remote Desktop Session Host Server would sometimes stop responding.
Printing to an open or existing file would sometimes fail when using Microsoft Print to PDF or XPS Document Writer.
Fixed daily tasks starting unexpectedly.
Fixed an issue that prevented subsequent tasks from running in the Task Scheduler.
Fixed another issue with repetitive tasks in the Task Scheduler.
Addressed an issue with tasks with indefinite durations starting immediately and not at the time specified.
Debugging of minimized UWP applications was prevented.
Fixed the cause for the error "The operation could not be completed because an unexpected host ID was encountered" with Visual Studio UWP Deployments.
Addressed an issue that ignored the MM_DONT_ZERO_ALLOCATION flag which led to performance issues and error 0x139.
Fixed the cause for the error "An Active Directory domain Controller (AD DC) for the domain %domain% could not be contacted" with NTLTEST, DCLOCATOR, or joining an Active Directory and SAMBA domain.
Fixed multiple pin prompts from being displayed for encrypted emails after the use cancels the first prompt.
 Fixed Microsoft Help Viewer rendering HTML incorrectly if the .chm file is stored on a network location.
Lock screen displayed a solid color instead of an image before first sign in.
Microsoft Edge would stop working when printing PDF documents in a size 0 window.
Fixed another Microsoft Edge stops working issue when loading certain PDF documents.
Addresses an issue where GetSystemTime() may sometimes return an invalid value after using SetSystemTime() immediately before.
Fixed a "username hint field" empty issue.
Fixed an issue with the tile layout of the Start Menu after upgrading to Windows 10 version 1803.
Fixed an issue with the Japanese Calendar Era.
Background Apps Settings were lost under certain circumstances.
Fixed toast notifications not displaying issue.
Addresses an issue in which all Guest Virtual Machines running Unicast dual NIC NLB fail to respond to NLB requests after the Virtual Machines restart.
Fixed an issue with dual tunnel AlwaysOn VPN configurations to work correctly.
The updates for Windows 10 version 1709, 1703, and 1607 share most of their fixes with 1803 but fewer issues are fixed.
Here is the list of updates not found in 1803.
KB4457136: Fixed Microsoft Narrator from accessing the content of Windows Security dialogs displayed by low integrity level processes.
Installation of encrypted .appx packages was prevented under certain circumstances.
Fixed error "STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE" when using smart cards to log in to Remote Desktop Servers.
Fixed an issue that caused logging to a Remote Desktop Session Host Server to stop responding.
Addressed a Service Control Manager (SCM) and Netlogon stop working issue.
KB4457141: The EnterpriseAssignedAccess policy on mobile devices could not be used to configure certain pages.
KB4457127: Fixed an issue that prevented the correct changes to folder content to show on some Network Attached Storage (NAS) configurations.
Fixed log file corruption issue for Microsoft-Windows-Kerberos-Key-Distribution-Center source and Event IDs 4933, 4928, and 4937.
 Addressed DNS Server returning an error to queries.
 Addressed a time sync issue when using Windows Server 2016 and guest Service Host.
Addresses an issue that prevents the lastLogonTimestamp attribute of new Active Directory users from updating
Addresses several Active Directory Domain Services issues.
Addresses an issue where a DirSync client never finishes syncing when using a search filter that contains a linked attribute.
Addressed several Windows Server Backups issue (fail to restore or when backing up).
Fixed creation of a Client Access Point taking a long time due to firewall blocking access to child domain controllers.
Fixed memory leak in Cluster Health Service.
Fixed access error when accessing NFS Shares.
Addresses an issue where opening Explorer view on a SharePoint server site using TMG
proxy fails.
Addresses an issue that may cause a system to stop working when you mount an NFS
drive using the command line with the option -u -p.
Addresses an issue that may cause setup to fail during OEM-OOBE implementation if
French or Spanish language setting is selected on the Hyper-V host.
Fixed report date "unknown" issue in Remote Desktop License Manager.
일단 윈도우를 사용을 하면서 조금은 귀찮지만 그래도 윈도우 10을 사용하시는 분들은 반드시 해당 업데이트를 진행을 하시는 것이 컴퓨터를 안전하게 사용하는 방법일 것입니다.



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