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마이크로소프트에서 제공하는 윈도우 10에 대한 보안 업데이트가 진행이 되었습니다. 물론 이제 기술지원을 중단이 다가오는 윈도우 7도 포함이 됩니다.
Windows 7: 총 15개 위험 3개 중요 12개
Windows 8.1: 총 12개 위험 2개 중요 10개
Windows 10 version 1607: 총 21개 위험 2개 중요 17개
Windows 10 version 1703: 총 21개 위험 3개 중요 18개
Windows 10 version 1709: 총 22개 위험 3개 중요 19개
Windows 10 version 1803: 총 21개 위험 3개 중요 18개
Windows 서버 제품
Windows Server 2008 R2: 총 15개 위험 3개 중요 12
Windows Server 2012 R2: 총 13개 위험 2개 중요 10개
Windows Server 2016: 총 20개 위험: 2, 중요 18개
다른 제품
Internet Explorer 11: 총 11개 6 위험 5중요
Microsoft Edge: 총 16개, 10 위험, 5중요 1 낮음

이번에 변경이 된 KB4343909은 다음과 같이 변경이 되었습니다.
Provides protections against a new speculative execution side-channel vulnerability known as L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF) that affects Intel® Core® processors and Intel® Xeon® processors (CVE-2018-3620 and CVE-2018-3646). Make sure previous OS protections against Spectre Variant 2 and Meltdown vulnerabilities are enabled using the registry settings outlined in the Windows Client and Windows Server guidance KB articles. (These registry settings are enabled by default for Windows Client OS editions, but disabled by default for Windows Server OS editions.)
Addresses an issue that causes high CPU usage that results in performance degradation on some systems with Family 15h and 16h AMD processors. This issue occurs after installing the June 2018 or July 2018 Windows updates from Microsoft and the AMD microcode updates that address Spectre Variant 2 (CVE-2017-5715 – Branch Target Injection).
Addresses an issue that prevents apps from receiving mesh updates after resuming. This issue occurs for apps that use Spatial Mapping mesh data and participate in the Sleep or Resume
Ensures that Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge support the preload="none" tag.
Addresses an issue that prevents some applications running on HoloLens, such as Remote Assistance, from authenticating after upgrading from Windows 10, version 1607, to Windows 10, version 1803.
Addresses an issue that significantly reduced battery life after upgrading to Windows 10, version 1803.
Addresses an issue that causes Device Guard to block some ieframe.dll class IDs after installing the May 2018 Cumulative Update.
 Addresses a vulnerability related to the Export-Modulemember() function when used with a wildcard (*) and a dot-sourcing script. After installing this update, existing modules on devices that have Device Guard enabled will intentionally fail. The exception error is “This module uses the dot-source operator while exporting functions using wildcard characters, and this is disallowed when the system is under application verification enforcement.” For more information, see https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-US/security-guidance/advisory/CVE-2018-8200 and https://aka.ms/PSModuleFunctionExport.
Security updates to Windows Server.
그리고 윈도우 10에서 다른 브라우저를 사용하는 분들은 Adobe Flash Player(어도비플래쉬플레이어)는 따로 어도비 홈페이지에서 다운로드 해서 설치를 하면 됩니다. 일단 기본적으로 윈도우를 사용을 하고 계시는 분들은 반드시 보안 업데이트를 해야지 랜섬웨어 같은 악성코드에 감염되는 것을 최소화할 수가 있습니다.



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