Windows 10에서 지난 2017년1월26일 KB3216755에 대한 업데이트가 진행이 되었습니다.일단 이번 업데이트는 Windows catalog에서만 업데이트가 진행이 되고 있습니다.즉 기존의 Windows update로는 업데이트는 현재 진행이 되고 있지 않습니다.일단 이번 업데이트는 간단하게 Microsoft Edge,Internet Explorer 에서 파일 다운로드 실패 문제와 그리고 Internet Explorer 검색 기록 지우기 실패 문제,사이트에서 로그인을 하면 XSS에 대한 오탐지 문제,네트워크 연결 문제등을 해결한 업데이트입니다.그리고 업데이트 내역은 다음과 같습니다.
Addressed known issue called out in KB3213986—Users may experience delays while running 3D rendering apps with multiple monitors.
Addressed issue that prevents the conversion of a 24-bit image to 32 bits
Addressed issue that causes the loss of Windows Firewall rules after upgrade from RTM to 1511 or 1607
Addressed issue that causes a file download from a webpage to fail in Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge browsers
Addressed issue that prevents the use of the Delete Browsing History feature in Internet Explorer
Addressed issue that loads websites that bypass the proxy server in the local intranet zone when the Intranet Sites: Include all sites that bypass the proxy server (Disabled) is set
Addressed issue where an XSS false positive prevents a webpage from loading after logging in to a site.
Addressed issue that prevents users from connecting to a network
Addressed issue that causes the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) to fail if Active Directory Federated Systems is using the Japanese language set
Addressed issue that causes System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) scenarios to fail
Addressed issue that prevents user-built keyboard events from working.
Addressed issue that causes incorrect tabledimensions in SAP® applications
Addressed issue that overwrites a <br>element when users select a line that is enclosed by a <span> element.
Improved reliability of Internet Explorer, Xbox, and Skype
Addressed additional issues with Bluetooth, Internet Explorer, engaged reboot, clustering, Internet Explorer, Japanese Input Method Editor (IME), Windows Shell. Networking, storage, fonts, Xbox, encryption, Group Policy, Point and Print, wireless networking, virtual disk, disk operations, multimedia, Work Folders, encryption, enterprise security, deduplication, domain controllers, Audit File System, Debug Memory Manager, Virtual Machine Management Service (VMMS), Remote Desktop, Task Scheduler, Microphone Wizard, .NET, font cache, system boot, and Surface Studio
일단 앞서 이야기 한것 처럼 Windows Update에서는 이루어지지 않고 Windows catalog에서만 업데이트가 이루어지고 있으니까 필요하신 분들은 Windows catalog에서 다운로드 해서 설치하시면 됩니다.
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