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모질라에서 제공을 하는 브라우저인 파이어폭스에 대해서 보안 업데이트가 진행이 되었습니다. 이번 보안 업데이트에서는 about : home)이나 스크린 샷 등의 기능에 몇 가지 개선이 되었습니다. 일단 Race Cache With Network (RCWN)라는 새로운 캐시 메커니즘이 도입되었고 파이어폭스에서 이전에 가져온 콘텐츠를 디스크 드라이브에 저장 재사용하여 Web 페이지 렌더링 속도가 디스크 드라이브의 반응이 느린 경우 (HDD가 스핀 업하는 동안이거나, 액세스 이 집중되고 있다.) 경우에 오히려 렌더링이 늦어져 버리는 문제를 해결하기 위해 디스크 접근이 느린 경우 캐시의 읽기와 동시에 네트워크 요청을 보내고 응답이 빠른 쪽을 채용하여 문제를 해결했습니다. 그리고 스크린 샷 기능으로 저장된 이미지에 필기 메모와 하이라이트를 추가하는 기능이 추가되었습니다. 그리고 WebExtensions API의 확충 또는 Real-Time Communications (RTC) 기능의 개선, 포인터 이벤트 W3C 표준 준수 등이 이루어졌으며 옵션 화면 (about : preferences)에 카메라와 마이크 위치 정보 권한 설정을 편집하는 사용자 인터페이스가 추가되어가 되었습니다. 이번 업데이트에서는 18건의 취약점 문제를 해결했습니다.
CVE-2018-5127: Buffer overflow manipulating SVG animatedPathSegList
A buffer overflow can occur when manipulating the SVG animatedPathSegList through script. This results in a potentially exploitable crash.
CVE-2018-5128: Use-after-free manipulating editor selection ranges
A use-after-free vulnerability can occur when manipulating elements, events, and selection ranges during editor operations. This results in a potentially exploitable crash.
CVE-2018-5129: Out-of-bounds write with malformed IPC messages
A lack of parameter validation on IPC messages results in a potential out-of-bounds write through malformed IPC messages. This can potentially allow for sandbox escape through memory corruption in the parent process.
CVE-2018-5130: Mismatched RTP payload type can trigger memory corruption
When packets with a mismatched RTP payload type are sent in WebRTC connections, in some circumstances a potentially exploitable crash is triggered.

CVE-2018-5131: Fetch API improperly returns cached copies of no-store/no-cache resources
Under certain circumstances the fetch() API can return transient local copies of resources that were sent with a no-store or no-cache cache header instead of downloading a copy from the network as it should. This can result in previously stored, locally cached data of a website being accessible to users if they share a common profile while browsing.
CVE-2018-5132: WebExtension Find API can search privileged pages
CVE-2018-5133: Value of the app.support.baseURL preference is not properly sanitized
If the app.support.baseURL preference is changed by a malicious local program to contain HTML and script content, this content is not sanitized. It will be executed if a user loads chrome://browser/content/preferences/in-content/preferences.xul directly in a tab and executes a search. This stored preference is also executed whenever an EME video player plugin displays a CDM-disabled message as a notification message.
CVE-2018-5134: WebExtensions may use view-source: URLs to bypass content restrictions
WebExtensions may use view-source: URLs to view local file: URL content, as well as content stored in about:cache, bypassing restrictions that only allow WebExtensions to view specific content.
CVE-2018-5135: WebExtension browserAction can inject scripts into unintended contexts
WebExtensions can bypass normal restrictions in some circumstances and use browser.tabs.executeScript to inject scripts into contexts where this should not be allowed, such as pages from other WebExtensions or unprivileged about: pages.
CVE-2018-5136: Same-origin policy violation with data: URL shared workers
A shared worker created from a data: URL in one tab can be shared by another tab with a different origin, bypassing the same-origin policy.
CVE-2018-5137: Script content can access legacy extension non-contentaccessible resources
A legacy extension's non-contentaccessible, defined resources can be loaded by an arbitrary web page through script. This script does this by using a maliciously crafted path string to reference the resources.
Note: this vulnerability does not affect WebExtensions.
CVE-2018-5138: Android Custom Tab address spoofing through long domain names
A spoofing vulnerability can occur when a malicious site with an extremely long domain name is opened in an Android Custom Tab (a browser panel inside another app) and the default browser is Firefox for Android. This could allow an attacker to spoof which page is actually loaded and in use.
Note: this issue only affects Firefox for Android. Other versions and operating systems are unaffected.
CVE-2018-5140: Moz-icon images accessible to web content through moz-icon: protocol
Image for moz-icons can be accessed through the moz-icon: protocol through script in web content even when otherwise prohibited. This could allow for information leakage of which applications are associated with specific MIME types by a malicious page.
A vulnerability in the notifications Push API where notifications can be sent through service workers by web content without direct user interaction. This could be used to open new tabs in a denial of service (DOS) attack or to display unwanted content from arbitrary URLs to users.
CVE-2018-5142: Media Capture and Streams API permissions display incorrect origin with data: and blob: URLs
If Media Capture and Streams API permission is requested from documents with data: or blob: URLs, the permission notifications do not properly display the originating domain. The notification states "Unknown protocol" as the requestee, leading to user confusion about which site is asking for this permission.
CVE-2018-5143: Self-XSS pasting javascript: URL with embedded tab into addressbar
URLs using javascript: have the protocol removed when pasted into the addressbar to protect users from cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, but if a tab character is embedded in the javascript: URL the protocol is not removed and the script will execute. This could allow users to be socially engineered to run an XSS attack against themselves.
CVE-2018-5126: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 59
CVE-2018-5125: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 59 and Firefox ESR 52.7
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